Beauty Gathering ( Color Pop Glass Vase Kiwi )
Fresh Flower Bouquet
Shopping Bag
The "Beauty Gathering" bouquet combines elegant burgundy hues, rich brown carnations, and lovely orange roses into a balanced, spiral arrangement. Accented with delicate small flowers and fruits, this bouquet radiates beauty and is the perfect choice for a heartfelt gift. To complement "Beauty Gathering," we offer a floral gift set featuring the Kiwi Green vase from Nicolai Bergmann’s exclusive Color Pop Glass collection.
Each vase is hand-crafted with precision, featuring a design that narrows at the top for easy arrangement and expands into a round shape that perfectly showcases both the blooms and their stems. When filled with water, the Kiwi Green vase's green base shimmers and harmonizes beautifully with the stems, creating a seamless, eye-catching display.
Whether as a special gift or a way to brighten up your own space, this floral set adds a lively burst of color and elegance to any setting.